Direct sign-in

Docmap® can remember your sign-in information and automatically sign you in next time you open Docmap®.

Remove direct sign-in

You may remove Docmap® automatic sign-in by signing out when you are done using Docmap®. You will then have to sign in with user name and password the next time you wish to use Docmap®.


If you select to use automatic sign-in, other users sharing the same network login as yourself will get access to your user in Docmap®.

In active service

Going into ¨active service¨ means that you take over a rotation function of the same type as your primary function. You will then get access to tasks for both your previous primary function and the new function you have taken over.

Functions you have taken over will remain ¨yours¨ until another user with the same function type goes into ¨active service¨.

Logging out - logging in

You just need to check this check-box once while you´re in active service.

Create familiarization tasks

Create familiarization tasks based on templates defined for your function type and organization unit.
These tasks will appear in your task list.

Not now?

You can create familiarization tasks later from the ¨Document¨ menu.
Docmap® Sign in
Stay signed in
Create familiarization tasks
Sign in  18/05/2024 11:17:44